Tuesday 3 December 2013

BNI registers fast growth in Hyderabad

Does referral business worth Rs 137 crore in 18 months in the city
Targets 12 Chapters in City by the end of next December

Business Network International (BNI) which forayed into Hyderabad in 2012 May with one Chapter ‘Artha’, has grown fast and added seven chapters in 18 months.  These include Business, Capital, Diamond, Elite, Fusion, Grand, Hitech and Icon.  The 9th Chapter is under its way, With over 400 members, does a referral business in Hyderabad city alone worth Rs 137crore in 18months period. And now target Rs 200crore in the next 12 months informs Mr. Bharat Shah, Executive Director-Hyderabad of BNI India, who was instrumental in bringing it to Hyderabad

Addressing the media Bharat Shah added that the city has registered faster growth than many cities across the world, for which the city is recognized at a meeting in Los Angeles in USA a few months back.  I have received a trophy for the same, Bharat Shah informed.

The growth is so significant that a Japanese Delegation is slated for a visit to study our growth, he informed. In the year 2015 we will add another four Chapters, he said.

BIN has already forayed into the interiors of Andhra Pradesh and a Chapter at Vizag was launched recently and soon will expand to Vijayawada he said.

BNI India has 103 Chapters with over 4000 members. It sees Rs 20,000 crore Referral Marketing Opportunity in India. Currently it registered a referral business worth Rs 461.2 crore and expected to cross Rs 800 crore in next year, Bharat informed.

Getting new business is a constant struggle for many small companies. A lot of companies market aggressively and spend a lot of money to increase brand awareness.  But, what about small businesses, they can't spend money on marketing.  So business referral organization comes into help.

You want to buy anything, you want to go a film, you ask a person or seek reference.  Based on this concept, Business Network International (BNI) formed in USA several years ago.  The BNI India started a new chapter called 'Artha' at Hyderabad in Last May. This is the first Chapter for Referrals in Andhra Pradesh.  Now we have 8 chapters in the city and is fast growing.

Business Network International India (BNI)-India is the Indian arm of the world's largest word of mouth / referral organization.

BNI is a 29 year old business and professional organisation that allows only one person from each trade or profession to join a chapter. By joining a BNI chapter, your business instantly is part of a community of other regional business people - you gain exposure, professional contacts, business referrals and the opportunity for increased revenues. Each one member of the Chapter promotes the business of other members, which means many members promote by word of mouth of another members business. This referral business is catching up like wild fire across the globe and now in India.

BNI with over 6000 Chapters has over 150,000 members worldwide, in 54 different countries, from over 300 different types of professions… all of whom have benefited from increased referral business as a result of BNI. In 2011, BNI helped generate 6.9 million referrals which generated Rs. 15,500 crores (US$3.1 Billion) of business worldwide. Belonging to BNI is like having dozens of salespeople representing your business.  BNI India is the Indian Chapter with many local chapters attached to it, Each week, BNI members meet with their local group and exchange business referrals.

The business of referrals makes sense for most companies because of many reasons.  It reduces sales expenses and sales cycle. It increases sales revenue.  With less time calling cold prospects, small business can focus on customers and their circle of influence. According to world-renowned sales trainer, Tom Hopkins, in "Sales Prospecting for Dummies"; closing ratio for non-qualified leads is 10 percent versus a 60 percent close ratio with referred leads.

For more information, please log on www.bni-india.com

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