Saturday 16 November 2013

Purple Turtle at the International MIP Junior Meet

 Purple Turtle licensed by Aadarsh Pvt Ltd has always contributed in making learning excitement and fun for the children. In their reach to be every where, Purple Turtle participated at the MIP Junior meet which was conducted in Cannes, France.

MIP Junior is an event where influential International buyers, sellers and producers of Kids programmes meet, where they present, discover screen, license and acquire the latest content. MIP Junior consists of 1,200 participants, 60 countries, 520 buyers, 44,000 screenings, 700 companies and more than 1000 programmes.
N. K. Krishnanand, National Sales Manager, Purple Turtle, says,” Our aim behind participating in the MIP Junior meet was to widen our reach. MIP Junior is the biggest meet where international buyers, sellers and producers from all over the world assemble. We wanted to be present in such an important gathering, as it will benefit us in reaching our goal.”
Participation of Purple Turtle at the MIP Junior meet has given various benefits to them which will act as a ladder for achieving their desired goal.

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