Thursday 14 November 2013

NHPC organises Training Programme on for unemployed youths

Gerukamukh 14th November, 2013: In an effort to train unemployed youths in the Subansiri area in Gerukamukh district, National Hydro Power Corporation (NHPC) sponsored 20 unemployed youths for Logistics and Transportation Management training program in Kolkata by InSkills (Skill Ventures Pvt. Ltd.)

The programme was held under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scheme of NHPC’s Subansiri Hydro Electric Project. It may be pertinent to mention here that altogether 20 unemployed youths of the nearby villages of Subansiri Lower HE Project were identified by InSkills (Skills Ventures Pvt. Ltd) Kolkata for training on Logistics and Transportation Management at Kolkata through the Skill Development Workshop for Employability and Entrepreneurship that was sponsored by Subansiri Lower HE Project of NHPC Ltd. As a part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) SD-Scheme, Subansiri Lower HE Project shall bear the expenditures towards the 2 month long training program of the 20 identified youths at Kolkata. InSkills will train the candidates to deal with customers, understand documentation, receive and book items, maintain records, supervise loading and unloading of vehicles, manage vendors, ensure timely delivery and  pick-up, data entry in ERP, besides communication skills, teamwork, ethics and introduction to computers.

Speaking on the occasion, Sh. Rakesh, Executive Director, SLHEP congratulated the youths and their parents for the courage and determination shown by them by moving out of the area and undergoing training at a distant place, for which successful candidates would be aptly rewarded in the form of secured jobs. Sh. Rakesh stressed on the need for increasing the employability of the youths through skill development so that maximum quality employment can be generated in today's merit-based society. He reiterated the commitments of NHPC in bringing all round development of the people in the Project vicinity.

Mr. G.K.Singh, Chief (HR), NHPC congratulated the selected students and urged them to complete the training program and formally convert the skill development initiative into job opportunities.  He commended the innovative CSR initiatives being undertaken by Subansiri Lower HE Project under the guidance of ED, Sh Rakesh and also congratulated Project HR team for their efforts. He also added that NHPC Gerukamukh will provide training to 100 unemployed youths during financial period 13-14 for youth empowerment and social upliftment.
Sharing their experience during the training period, the candidates and their guardians expressed their gratitude to NHPC for providing them a new hope in life

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